Uneven Ground: American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Law
David E. Wilkins & K. Tsianina Lomawaima Univ. of Oklahoma Press
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In the Courts of the Conqueror: The 10 Worst Indian Law Cases Ever Decided
Walter Echo-Hawk Speaker's Corner
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Native America, Discovered and Conquered: Thomas Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, and Manifest Destiny
Robert J. Miller Univ. Nebraska Pr.
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Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights: Legal Obstacles and Innovative Solutions
Mary Riley (Editor) Altamira Press
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Tribal Criminal Law and Procedure
Carrie E. Garrow and Sarah Deer Altamira Press
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Introduction to Tribal Legal Studies
Justin B. Richland and Sarah Deer Altamira Press
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Like a Loaded Weapon: The Rehnquist Court, Indian Rights, and the Legal History of Racism in America
Robert A. Williams, Jr Univ. Minnesota Pr.
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American Indian Tribal Governments (Civilization of the American Indian Series, Vol 192)
Sharon O'Brien University of Oklahoma Pr.
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Taking Charge: Native American Self-Determination and Federal Indian Policy, 1975 - 1993
George Pierre Castile Univ. Arizona Pr.
Pueblo Indian Water Rights: Struggle for a Precious Resource
Charles T. Du Mars, Marilyn O'Leary, & Albert E. Utton Univ. of Arizona Press
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