Listen to an interview with Louise Erdrich, with Michael Krasny of Forum

- Maricopa Indian, Arizona, ca. 1875, photo. by Elias A. Bonine
- Pueblo Scene, ca. 1920 , photo. by Forman Hanna
- Hedipa, a Navajo Woman, ca. 1880, photo. by John K. Hillers
- Hopi Mesa, ca. 1879, photo. by John K. Hillers
- Evening Recreations of the Coffee Pickers, San Isidro, 1877,
- photo. by Eadweard Muybridge
- Canyon de Chelle, Walls of the Grand Canyon About 1200 Feet in Height,
- 1873, photo. by Timothy O'Sullivan
- Historic Spanish Record of the Conquest, South Side of Inscription Rock, New Mexico, No. 3,
- 1873,
photo. by Timothy O'Sullivan
- View on Apache Lake, Sierra Blanca Range, Arizona, with Two Apache
Scouts in Foreground,
- 1873, photo. by Timothy O'Sullivan
- Buried Far Away, Cocapah, 1899, photo. by Frank A. Rinehart
- In Winter, Kiowa, 1898, photo. by Frank A. Rinehart, possibly Adolf F. Muhr
- Shining Metal 1858, photo by Julian Vannerson
- Around Moki Towns, The Tewa Trail, 1900, photo. by Adam Clark Vroman
- Around Zuni, From Northeast of Pueblo "99", 1899, photo. by Adam Clark Vroman
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