
What URLs should be sent to me?

Read This Before Filling Out the Form!

The purpose of this Index is to attempt a fairly complete listing of Native American and Native American related information sources available on the Internet, primarily on the World Wide Web. The users of this list are seen to be: first, the Native American community, and second, those people using the information in these sites for research and teaching. To do this effectively takes a lot of time, checking out sources and verifying the validity of the URLs sent to me. Naturally I have had to rely on the honesty of the people submitting the URLs. There have been few problems.

In addition to the problem of keeping up with the increasing number of legitimate Native American related Web pages, the explosion of websites from the commercial world could now dilute the usefulness of this index. I will attempt to deal with this problem in this way. As users of this Index know, I have placed listings from commercial galleries on the Art resources index because they are a showplace for the talents of Indian artists. Until now, the commercial sites have oriented their Web pages around the artists, educating the public about Native American art. They have not been focusing their Internet resources on the mass selling of anonymous work. In order to be listed here, other commercial pages had to be for businesses owned/operated by Native peoples. Exceptions were made for a few businesses that worked closely with and supplied services to Native peoples. However, these businesses were generally listed under a separate heading so that there would be no confusion. It is quite possible that I have been deceived in some cases.

I am now being asked to list commercial sites that sell "Indian art/jewelry" who are simply putting up lists/pictures of anonymous work for sale, with no indication that the site owner is Native American. I will not to list such sites here.

In summary, I hope to keep this list in such a manner that it is useful to both Native Americans and to people who wish to learn more about Native Americans. Obviously that does not mean that Web sites maintained by non-Natives are excluded. Most history, archaeology, literature, etc. sites are not maintained by Native Americans. It is my hope that, as time passes, more such sites will have more Native involvement. I will simply do the best I can. Please take the above into consideration when submitting URLs to me.

I am extremely resistant to listing sites that make use of popup windows displaying advertisements. There must be an overwhelming reason to list such a site.

Since information is the focus of this website, I do not look with favor upon sites that force large (or any) music files, flash animations or applets, all requiring long download/start up times, upon the viewer. I pay for my bandwidth and so do most viewers. It is not yours to use at your pleasure. Websites that use these techniques will have a very difficult time getting listed here. I will probably abort the download before even seeing the site.

On another issue, I do not exchange links with other sites. If I feel that your site falls within the guidelines for inclusion in this index, it will be included. I could not possibly include links back to all of the sites which point to this index, nor would it be appropriate to do so. There are now thousands of different referring sites to the front page alone, with more references to individual pages. Some of these sites are listed in this index. Many are not. If you wish to place a link to this site, please feel free to do so.

And, please, make sure that the email address you use to submit URLs is a valid email address. Otherwise, you will never receive a reply from me (and you will blame me!). It would also save me considerable time if the URL you submit is both valid and correct. I am also storing more information about your site than will appear on the web page, for use in the search function. Please fill out the complete form if you would like your site listed in this directory. Commercial MUST provide a physical location.

Please read the FAQ for this site before submitting a URL. Submissions that clearly lie outside the purview of this site will simply be deleted. Do NOT submit URLs that are not Native American specific, such as your new online shopping mall, your condo, etc.!

Please do not submit URLs of sites that are already listed here. Use the search page to check this index for a listing of your site before using the form below. Do NOT submit websites having no content but which "will be ready soon." Wait until they are ready.

In order that no one will be misled, I want to make it clear that, to the best of my knowledge, I have no Native American blood. I am running this list as a volunteer. This is not a commercial enterprise. I make no charge for listing a URL in this Index or for posting an announcement or job listing.

Also see Elaine Cubbins page on Techniques for Evaluating American Indian Websites.

Do not submit URLs for websites relevant to the Indian subcontinent of Asia! They are not relevant to this website.

Do not submit URLs for poker or other gambling sites that are not run by Native American tribes.

Do not submit URLs for pornography sites!

Just save us both some trouble. Don't make me comment on your stupidity!

Submit a URL
Your name:
* Your email address:
* Subject:
* URL:
All commercial sites must give full address information or they will not be listed.
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State:
* Country:
 * Further information/comments:

You must fill in the fields marked with a *
Please only hit the Send button once!

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© 1994 - 2006 Text and Graphics Karen M. Strom

Please report changes in URLs.