Philip Red Eagle's Publications

Published Poetry

"Sleep Walk", The Raven Chronicles, Summer/Fall 1994 - Vol. 4, No. 1
"Sleep Walk", Nobody's Orphan Child, 1996 Red Sky Poetry Theatre Anthology.
June 11 Diary, Gemini Blue, Art Access, July/August 1997, Vol. 6, No. 7

Published Short Stories

"My Dinner With Kills-On-The-Run", Red Ink, Spring 1996, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 46

Published Articles

The Encyclopedia of North American Indians, Contributing Writer, Various,
11 Volume, Illus, photos, reprods. appendix. bibliog. further reading. Index
"A Vision of Color-Arts in the Multicultural Community", A Report
Artist Trust Quarterly, Autumn 1991, pp. 9
"Native American Sport", Humanities Today, Washington Commission for the Humanities Journal,
Spring 1990, Vol.IV, No. 1 (Humanities and Sports)

Published Reviews

Reinventing the Enemy's Lanquage - Contemporary Native Women's Writings of North America,
Edited by Joy Harjo & Gloria Bird, 1997, W.W. Norton & Company. Ltd.
The Raven Chronicles, Summer/Fall 1997, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 64
Blood Thirsty Savages, Poems by Adrian C. Louis, Time Being Books, 1994
The Raven Chronicles, Summer/Fall 1997, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 52
The Crown of Columbus, A Novel by Michael Dorris & Louise Erdrich,
Harper Collins, 1991, The Raven Chronicles, Summer/Fall 1991, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp27
"Myth of the West" Art Exhibit, Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle,
"Missed Myths," Reflex Magazine (Reviews), November/December 1990, pp. 19-20
The Independence of Eddie Rose, A play by William Yellow Robe,
Directed by Tim Bond, performed at the Group Theatre.
"The Independence of Eddie Rose Cut Home, Clean And Sharp," Northwest Ethnic News, August 1990, pp. 7
"Peoples of Washington: Perspectives on Cultural Diversity" Edited by Sid White and S.E. Solberg,
Washington State University Press sponsored by The Evergreen State College and funded by The Washington Centennial Commission. Northwest Ethnic News, May 1990, pp 7
Winnetou's Snake Oil Show from Wigwam City, Spiderwoman Theater Performance
at the Group Theatre. "Vaudville that Taps Deep Anger," Northwest Ethnic News, May 1990, pp. 6
The Man Who Founded a Town, by Esther Hall Mumford,
Ananse Press, 1990. "A Black Man Founded Centralia," Northwest Ethnic News, March 1990, pp. 5
The Sacred Mountain of Tibet: On Pilgrimage to Kailas,
by Russell Johnson and Kerry Moran, Park Street Press, 1989
"Timeless Rhythm of Pilgrim's Journey Captured," Northwest Ethnic News, February 1990, pp. 4

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