
WWW Virtual Library - American Indians

Index of Native American Student Information on the Internet

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Listen to an interview with Louise Erdrich, with Michael Krasny of Forum

American Indians for Obama


General Resources

Guide to Native American Studies Programs in the United States and Canada 

Programs of Special Interest to Native Americans

GenEdWeb  at the University of Minnesota at Morris
has General Education courses online that are free to Native American students.

Native American Student Organizations

AISES Chapter  at the Colorado School of Mines
AISES Chapter at University of Michigan 
American Indian Graduate Student Council  at the University of Arizona
American Indian Student Organizations at UCLA  
Association of Native Americans At Yale 
Indian University Scholars Society  at Northeastern State University
Multicultural Student Center  at Northern Arizona University, including:
National Native American Law Students Assoc. 
Native American Law Students Association 
Native American Student Association , North Carolina State University
Native American Student Services Univ. Northern Colorado
Native Americans at Princeton 
Ryerson Aboriginal Student Services 
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) 
Stanford American Indian Organization 
Student Resources at Diné College 

Scholarships, Financial Aid and other Support Programs

AIEF Scholarship Fund 
AISES Higher Education Scholarships 
American Chemical Society Department of Diversity Programs 
American Indian College Fund 
American Indian Graduate Center 
Cherokee Nation Education Department 
Doctoral Scholars Program  Southern Regional Education Board
Fellowships, Grants and Awards from the American Association of University Women (Women only)
FinAid: The Financial Aid Information Page  authored by Mark Kantrowitz, author of the
The Prentice Hall Guide to Scholarships and Fellowships for Math and Science Students
Financial Aid and Scholarships  from CollegeNet
Financial Aid for Native American Students 
Gates Millenium Scholars Program 
Graduate Degrees for Minorities (GEM) 
Higher Education Loans Information Center 
Jobs & Scholarships  Division of Health Professions, Recruitment and Training, IHS
Katrin H. Lamon Fellowship  for a Native American scholar, pre- or post-doctoral, working in either the humanities or the sciences
Morongo Nation Scholarship Services 
Morris K. Udall Foundation  for Scholarships, Internships and Fellowships
Native American Journalists Association Programs 
Professional & Curriculum Development for Graduate Students  in Science, Engineering and Mathematics Fields (NEBHE )
Quality Education for Minorities 
Scholarship Help and Advice Center 
Sky People Higher Education 
Tlicho Student Scholarships 
USAO College Foundation 
Wabanaki Center Native Scholarship Program  University of Maine
Worldstudio Foundation 

Need money for college? Use FastWeb's free scholarship search to find information on more than 600,000 scholarships!
Alliance for Minority Participation  
Alliance for Minority Participation - California 
Alliance for Minority Participation - New Mexico 
American Indian Learning Resource Center  at the University of Minnesota
American Indian Program  at New Mexico State University
American Indian Research Opportunities , Montana State University
Applying for Tribal Scholarships  at Northern Arizona University
Creek Nation Higher Education Administration 
Educational Opportunity Center  at Montana State University-Northern
Financial aid  at UCLA
Graduate Fellowships for Minorities  Cornell University
Harvard Native American Program 
Indian Natural Resource, Science & Engineering Program  at Humboldt State University
Minority Student Development (MSD) Program , Northern Arizona University
New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation  at New Mexico State University
Office of Minority Affairs , University of Washington
Special Scholarship Programs  Arizona State University West
Stanford Native American Cultural Center 
Student Opportinities  from the American Indian Program Committee
Test Prep Review 


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